Analysis The haha brigade One of the very first commentary pieces I posted on this website bears the title…Julian DeliaApril 11, 2024
Analysis The downward spiral of the information age: is it unstoppable? By the time the internet was roughly twenty years old, it had already radically altered…Julian DeliaMarch 31, 2024
TOB Introducing: The Odd Bit series Please grab your nearest festive intoxication paraphernalia and find yourselves a comfortable seat, dear readers.…Julian DeliaDecember 21, 2023
Commentary The wealthiest must become poorer The doughnut chart below is a very simple illustration of how many people we're talking…Julian DeliaDecember 14, 2023
Commentary Why the public must invest in journalism Why should the public invest in journalism? Why is the media unable to sustain investigative…Julian DeliaOctober 15, 2023